Friday, September 28, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012


7TH OCTOBER  AT  9 pm. big boss season going to start contestant name will be told shortly keep visting in a day or 2 . It should be a family show

Sunday, September 9, 2012

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want to overcome fear yes u can just follow the steps

"The enemy is fear. We hate it, but, it is fear."
Mahatma Gandhi

What is holding you back?

Whatever the answer, it is in many cases boil down to be feared in some form.

Now, fear can be useful to keep yourself alive. But at times, especially if you live a life where you are likely to read these words, fear is a major obstacle in its path.

But what you can do about fear? Can you remove it?

1. To become stronger to face your fear.

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I have it on me and I will be allowed to pass through.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain. '
Frank Herbert

And you can do the thing you think you can not do that. "
Eleanor roosevelt

Every time you have a fear that you have 3 important attributes mentioned above received Eleanor Roosevelt's face. And the next thing that comes along will be easier to handle.

Those fears are small. They may even disappear.

Everything is relative. And every victory, problems, fears and experience larger or smaller depending on what you are comparing it to.

2. Facing your fears can be surprisingly anticlimactic.

"When a resolute young fellow great bully, the world, the steps, and takes him boldly by the beard, he often comes into your hands, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers get is a surprise. "
Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is probably my favorite quote about fear. From a distance things in mind and you can be very difficult and frightening.Why? Proceed to the next tip ...

3. Take action and get busy.

"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy."
Dale Carnegie

"Worry gives a small thing a big shadow."
Swedish Proverb

You do not sit around and have the courage and confidence to come knocking on the door can wait. If you do so, you may be experiencing just the opposite effect. And you, the more afraid you build within.

We often build up in our heads scary monsters.

Things may cause us news, learned from television or movies.

As you have seen in your life, about 80-90 percent of what we worry about never really comes into reality. Instead anticlimactic things can be when we can proceed. Bully comes from the beard is surprisingly easy if we just step up and take action.

And many times we have courage we need we fear what we do. The other way around.

4. Interpretation is based on fear often useless.

"FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real."

As human beings we like to see patterns.Or conditions Misjudging. Or through some silly miscommunication.

When you identify with your thoughts to get you to believe anything they tell you. A more useful to practice can not take your ideas seriously. A lot of time and they are very wrong in your memory.

But it is a good thing.

Because it opens up the inquiry is based on the experiences of the old beliefs that may be interpreted in the most useful way. It opens up to you to try again and see what you thought, inaction, and fear instead of remaining stuck in time.

5. Do not cling to the illusion of security.

"Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Fearful are caught bowled well.
Helen keller

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature .... Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
Helen keller

Why sit on their hands? This is simply because they become paralyzed with fear? I would say no.But the truth is what Keller says, security is mostly a superstition. It is created in your mind to make you feel safe. But there is really no protection. Everything is uncertain and unknown.

You can get laid off.
To break up with someone you can leave.
Disease will probably strike.
Death surely strike and at some point in their surroundings, you will come to visit.
Who knows what will happen?

This superstition is not just the negative of security. It is created by your mind so you can function in life. Day in and day out from now might be a minute about all there is no point in going crazy. But there is not much point in holding that the illusion of security. Balance where you are so you do not suffer from uncertainty, but also recognize that it is there and needs to be accordingly.

As you hold close to your safety life becomes a whole lot more exciting and interesting.

6. Be curious.

"Curiosity will conquer fear even more than bravery."
James Stephens

When you are stuck in fear you are closed. Create division in your world and mind. You and other things / create barriers between people.

Curiosity on the other hand is filled with anticipation and excitement. It opens.

Curiosity opens you to gain some understanding. With understanding and vague fear disappears like fog.

The feelings you experience on your mind as a result are often in focus.

How are you curious?And then to make it work. Curiosity is a habit. The more anxious you become more curious. And with time it becomes a natural part of you.

7. Remove separation. Remove fear.

"Who sees all beings in his own, and his own in all beings, loses all fear."
Isa Upanishad, Hindu Scripture

The ego wants to divide your world. This separation barriers, wants and loves to play the game. Game where people than you, where you can play better than anyone else and are worse than different. All of that creates fear. Are unlike removes fear.

That there is no real separation between beings, that we are one and the same, it may take a bit rubbish.

Another one to see what parts of yourself you can see in anyone you meet. And what parts of yourself you / can.

There is often the underlying frame of mind in conversation. Either this person asks us that we are different. Or how we are the same as this person.The second one summer, creates an openness and curiosity within. There is no fear or judgment is a place to focus on.

It certainly is not easy, especially if you have held for many years, is the first frame of mind. But the rest of the things mentioned above you can find the information in this case. As you face your fear and separation barriers have made your mind decreases. Is close to you and others feel more of a connection to come.

Action curiosity, and with it we come closer to each other. We gain a greater understanding of themselves and others. And so it becomes easier to see in them. And in them.

want to build your body at home without any equipment

yes you can build body no need to eat non veg , no powders just normal diet and some home exercises.

Step 1
Decline push-up position a chair against a wall. This exercise your upper chest, triceps and shoulders works. Your hands on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width Place your feet on a chair, place together. To extend your arms, lift your hips and your core to strengthen your shoulders form a straight line to your heels. By bending your elbows close to your chest and lower your upper arms parallel to the floor. Push back up and repeat 12 to 15 times. Keep your knees on the chair for an easy change.
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Step 2
Turn around your chest little desire to do the pushups. Keep current chair next to a chair and position your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Walk your feet back until your body forms an angle to the floor. Your back straight as you lower your chest toward Keep chairs. Push yourself back up and repeat for 12 to 15 repetitions.
Step 3
Chairs to face and dips slightly wider than shoulder width apart position. Chairs in the middle of the stand, place one hand on a chair and bend your legs and walk a little further.Stop when your upper arms parallel to the floor, push yourself back up and repeat 12 to 15 times.
Step 4
Grab a couple of gallon jugs of water to lunges. Stand with your feet together and bowls at your side. Step forward with your right foot, bending his knees and lower your body down and stand back up.Do not let your back knee touch the floor and lunging your front knee does not go past your toes.  

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Monday, September 3, 2012

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increase your height in 30 days .

ow to increase your height naturally

Have you ever worried about your height that you can grow taller for ways in which you have seen? Do you know that there are things you can do that will increase your height or any type of medical treatment that is not covered unnatural way? There are lots of things you can do, all of which medical intervention, with the added advantage of being much cheaper than can make a difference.
For example, try improving your diet, you make your body healthy and inclusive growth is the prime minister. It just drink more milk for bone development and of course, does not mean calcium.Eating lots of fresh produce like fruits and vegetables are good for you as they are some of the vitamins you need for development. These vitamins can help you get the most out of calcium you take in.
Also a good exercise regime will help you achieve greater heights. Keeping your regular exercise plan, and it is important to keep a significant period of time, if it is to be successful. Stretching exercises and workouts that include some of the principles of yoga and Pilates with aerobic exercises will work best. You can also try to add GROWTHMAX PLUS as supplements to grow taller supplements to help you maximize your efforts and get the most out of your workouts.
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